A cracking idea!

A cracking idea!

Here are a selection of just some of the 9.8’s a single Comic Press customer has received recently. These were all books that were originally in lower grades that we cracked, cleaned and pressed and had regraded. Achieving 9.8 grades and increasing their value dramatically!

We are always available to help you, and try to advise you as best we can whether or not your books have potential to gain a potential increase in grade and therefore value. If you have any questions, please email info@comicpress.co.uk or drop us a DM via Messenger on FB or IG!

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Recent Submission Return: Including Highest Graded Copies!

Here’s a recent submission that returned for customer. They were delighted to find that not only did we achieve better grades than they had hoped for, we absolutely smashed their expectations. Daredevil 168 is the highest graded for a UK Price variant. There are currently 4 with this prestigious grade, and Comic Press proudly cleaned and pressed one of the others. X-Men 101 is joint highest graded, with only 3 UK price variants achieving this grade. The Avengers is the sole highest graded copy UK price variant on the Census! The Star Wars… well, they’re just cool!

Exceptional Results!

Every now and again at Comic Press we have results which surpass our own, and our customer’s expectations. Here is an example of a recent submission of UK print Captain Britain #1’s. 8 books submitted with 7/8 gaining the coveted 9.8, and 1 a 9.6. A result like this on an 8 book submissions for Modern books printed in the last decade would be a great result, so having this turn up for books printed nearly 40 years a go, and on less than great paper stock, is really something very exceptional. Plus we have 5 out of 8 acquiring desirable White Page paper quality.
What is also something particularly rewarding for Comic Press is this customer happened to be our first professional customer many years a go. So being able to provide them a service which has yielded these results is immensely gratifying.

Six Of The Best!

Just some of the fantastic books worked on over the last month here at Comic Press

Every book is treated as respectfully and with as much detail as any of these beautiful key books. It is our privilege to work on your treasured possessions, and we feel pride in being able to offer excellent service for outstanding value. If you ever have any questions about what services Comic Press can offer to bring out the best in your book, please feel free to drop a message in.

Restoration Removal Service

These are a few of the books Comic Press received in the last couple of months which had various issues of restoration. Colour touch is one of the most common concerns when detecting colour touch. Comic Press utilises a digital microscope with 1200x zoom to help identify colour touch, and aid in its removal.

Of the other books double-sided sellotape and glue needed to be removed before submitting a book for signature verification (CBCS deems tape restoration, whereas CGC doesn’t).

Comic Press isn’t just able to clean and press for you, we are able to offer many more services to bring out your books full potential! Restoration removal does however, come at an additional cost which would be determined on a book by book format.

Please don’t hesitate in getting in touch if you have any questions.

Great Results From Comic Link Auctions

Its been a great few weeks, with a number of books pressed by Comic Press setting records at Comic Link auctions. Daredevil 168 is the highest graded Pence copy (1 of 2 graded), Flash 123 went over the previous highest price on GPA, and Astonishing Tales 25 is the single highest Pence copy graded. It’s really a joy to see books that have been lovingly worked and pressed by Comic Press getting rewarded with these sort of outcomes.